Thursday, November 3, 2011

Please write about a life experience that has influenced your intellectual and personal growth.

lthough being from an Indian family and a Muslim, there are many things and people that have made me who I am today. Today, 3rd November, is the birthday of a very important person in my life; my grandfather. My grandfather, being in my life since the day I was born, August 18. Life was really fun with him. Whenever we visited his house, we had a great time. We visited usually for two to three days, and at most for four, but whenever we were there, we never failed to have a good time. My uncles, aunts, grandparents, and even grandparents siblings took us in like we were their own children. As we started to grow up, our meeting were lesser as Anah, my sister, my brother and I were all in boarding schools. Although this was some sort of restriction, we never failed to have fun Skyping, talking on the phone, or any other kinds of communication. My grandfather was a very important figure in my life as he taught me many things. He told me to keep my head held high no matter how bad the situation. One of my hobbies I have now I got from him which is dancing. My Grandfather was an awesome dancer. Although there are good things in life, they don’t last forever. He went from all our lives earlier this year, and I know to a better place. Life has never been the same for me. Whenever we are at his house, a little bit of the glow that is gone, the laughter that we used to hear throughout the house was not there anymore, but we could still feel his warm presence in the house. Even though he is gone, I still try to be the person I was when he was still alive, although it hurts, he lives within my heart forever.

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