Friday, November 11, 2011

6. If you were to look back on your high school years, what advice would you give to someone beginning their high school career? (Simmons)

There are many advices that I would give a person starting their high school years. The first would be shit happens. The four years of high school will be tough, socially and academically. Studies get harder going into higher classes, obviously, but that doesn’t mean that you start to give up. Socially, there will be problems, there will be times where your friends will become distant, and new friends will come along, there will be time when you stop talking to some of your friends. The next advice would be, no matter what, with your problems and difficulties enjoy it because, yes life is too short to go not do things you wanted to. Even though high school my put you down in every sense possible, doesn’t mean you give up on life. Things will come and go, so live is like you have never lived before. Also, even though there might be some restrictions, don’t be upset, because those restrictions will put you in the right path to life, but yes, breaking some can be fun once in a blue moon. Also remember that the earth does not revolve around you. Understand and help people who are in worse conditions than yours. If you have nothing wrong at the moment, help out someone who does, you will make a greater impact than you think. Understand that not everyone is like you, so you should be open to everyone’s ideas. You should be yourself during high school. Trying to impresses people in high school would just be wasting your time because no one cares. The only ones who do are people who do not have a life, and don’t have anything else to do. Life in high school is very simple if you be a little serious, but don’t forget to have fun along with it.

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