Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tell us about yourself

A sixteen year old girl just looking out in the distance with many things that makes up who she is. A girl who is follows the religion of Islam, but does not believe in it completely. A girl who loves to do what she pleases, what she love, and what she thinks is right. Although yes, there are times when she does think about her life, and thinks about the good parts and the bad. A girl who loves to have fun in life, when with friends, likes to forget about her worries, when having fun, likes to put all her problems at the back of her mind. A girl who loves to dance, dance in any way possible that it will reflect her emotions. A girl who loves to eat, eat and not care about what the world says. Eat so that she enjoys every flavor of life, but also who loves to eat Italian. A girl, who likes to play basketball, would love to get better at it. A girl who loves to annoy people, but also knows, hopefully, the limits of annoying. She is someone who loves her family so much that she is willing to do anything for them. This someone likes to follow rules and regulations. But also there are times where she does not follow the system. This girl is a girl who is like no other, as she has a mind of her own. She is a girl who doesn’t like to be bossed around for something that is supposed to be fun. She is a girl who loves to cherish moments that will never come again, cherish friendships which will never be replaced, cherish life as she will not get another one. This girl is has the same qualities as me, because this girl is me.

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