Sunday, November 6, 2011

120. Tell about the most unforgettable experience you've ever had.

The most unforgettable experience I had was when I was really small, around 10 or 11 years old. In our family, there have been many times where we have experience supernatural stuff. Yes, many may not believe in it, but when you experience it, you start to believe in it, even if you do not want to. My life has never really been away from supernatural life. Although my life may be full of it, the event I want to talk about it from a few years ago, like stated earlier, when I was around 10 or 11 years old. Anah, my sister, and I both used to sleep next to our parents room, in bunk beds. The room was as such that the stairs to my parents room was in front of the bed, with the cupboards beside it, and a big window beside the cupboards, but leaving some space between the two. One night, sleeping peace fully, I woke up due to feeling as though someone is starring at me. I look around saw no one, and went back to sleep. This happened for a few days, and I started to get scared. One night, I look between the cupboard and the window, I see a man standing there. Remembering as such, I see him to be bald, wearing all beige colors, pant and sweater, no shoes worn, and his back towards us, but his face turned so he could see us. Being little, I of course got scared, so I went hid underneath the blanket. I saw the man for many more days, but I choose not tell my parents, Anah, or my Brother. Soon after that, I asked Anah if she has been seeing the same man I did, and she said yes. The very next day, we told our mom, as my dad would not have believed us because he doesn't believe in supernatural things. From that they onwards I have seen many things, and every day it affects my life.

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