Monday, November 14, 2011

How were you caught, or not?

One fine evening, there were many things going on after school. But as dinner came, so did the A.P European History extra credit movie. Although there was the movie going on, there was also extended study hall, and also Brigadoon musical practice. As things started to wrap up and everyone started to get ready to go down to dorms, some of my friends and I realized that we have dance practice, mind you we knew we had it, but just forgot it for a second. As we were getting ready, the Brigadoon practice was still not over, and one of our dancers was in the play. It was already nine o’clock, and we had to be back to dorms by 9:30 latest. We started to walk down, but then the short way door was locked. So then walking back up, we had to go long way, and going long sure does take a long time. As we started to walk down, I started to pick up my pace and my friends were pretty behind. Walking down as fast as possible, but even so, it was not enough. Then I realized I had to wait for my friend to come down too, so I waited at the splitting of the way to Ridgewood field and Hostel. When they arrived, we made our way to Hostel. Although we were there, we were still one member short. Even so we started practicing. As we kept practicing, the time was now 9:20, and then the last member arrived. We had 10 minutes and we thought we would be done. So we were practicing hard. We kept practicing, and time was flying. Soon it was 10 o’clock. We were dead. Our dorm parents were going to be so angry. So anyways, we left Hostel, and reached Midlands. We then thought that we should go in from the door dorm parents go in from, and luck on our side it was open. As soon as we opened the door, Ms. Maya, the 10th grade dorm parent walked down the stairs. We dashed around the corner and tried again. Thankfully no one was there. So making our way up to the third floor, we had to be really careful because our dorm parent apartments were right there. Every time we turned around going up, we acted like ninja’s, sneaking in and walking as quietly we could. Reaching the top floor, we had a clear view of what was going on and the office. Thankfully there was no one there and we rushed into our rooms and were safe, being the last time that ever happened.

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