Friday, November 4, 2011

What is your approach to life? Reveal your life philosophy

What is life? Life is something that people value, and some who don't. Life is time. It is time as you have only a limited amount. Life is a mystery. It is a mystery as you don’t know what is going to come. Even though you lived a part of your life and you may regret what you did and what you didn’t, it still is part of your life. Living your life in regrets doesn’t get you far in life as it puts restrictions on the things you want to do. There are many people who will give you advices throughout your whole life, there are many people who will influence you in their unique way and there are many people who are just there to mess your life up. Even though there these kinds of people, they are the ones who make your life exciting. Be it bad or good, your life is nothing without them. Life is full of ups and downs, but then again, there are people there with you to help you get past them. If you messed up on your past, don’t fret, because the past is past as it hardly matter, you got to focus to work on a better future, to make it better than your past will be. Your life will not only have positive things even though you think it might. As life goes on, there are many phases everyone passes through. There is depression, happiness, sadness, anger and many more. But these are what keep your life interesting. I believe that even if we mad at someone or something, it will keep you off of other things what are hurting you in life. There are many things in life that will affect you, because remember, even the smallest thing can take up the most space in your heart.

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