Saturday, November 5, 2011

Are we alone?

This question goes around to many people and many people have different answer. Yes, in a way I would say that we are alone. I believe that in a way we are alone because there is nothing in the universe out to get me or anyone for that matter. I believe that we are alone, because in one point in life there is going to be a time where we have to do things ourselves, with no help from parents or anyone around us. Even though we might stand in the most crowed place on earth, we can feel alone as there is no one we know. Although these things might make it seem as though we are alone, but if thinking deeper, there is not one moment that we are alone. One reason we have friends is because it cures our loneliness. They help us get through our times of struggles, the times when we have no one by our side, and the times when we desperately are finding someone to cry on; not only friends, but families also. Being with families and friends might hurt sometimes because they might not understand your feelings, but it wouldn’t hurt to tell them. I’ve been told that letting out your problems to someone will help you feel better no matter what. Life does, and will have rough patches, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. There are people there to bear with you, to understand your problems, and help you out. Life is not always about trying to figure out your problems by yourself. The reason why God made Eve was because Adam was alone, but now with each other’s company, the feeling of loneliness went. Being alone in life can be a problem, but if you are with the right people, especially at the right time, it will make your life less lonely and more fun.

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