Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tell about the most unforgettable experience you’ve ever had.

Many most unforgettable experiences that people have something to do with near death. Although those are more interesting to read about, mine is more about getting lost in, for me at the time, the biggest place in the world, Disney World. I went to Disney World when I was in second grade, so when I was seven years old. Being seven, I was really scared to be anywhere without my parents, even if I was with my brother or my sister. So being there for a few days already, I had become a little familiar with the place. One fine day, we decided to go on the water river tube ride. Having to get your own circular tubes, my brother and my sister got one for themselves and I was left. Soon enough I found one for myself and started to go down the ride. The ride was like a river, and I did not know that I had to meet my parents at the end of the ride. So as I continued, I couldn’t see my brother or my sister any longer. Being seven, I got scared, so I decided to get off and look for my parents. Yes, it was not a smart decision, but hey, I was scared. Soon I realized that I was lost, and luckily for me, a security person found me. She took me to the shelter, and gave me strawberry milkshake, (yes, I remember that too). She asked for my parents’ name, and knowing only my mother’s I gave her my mothers. A few minutes later, I see my father and Anah, my sister running down towards me. I was glad I was back with my family as my mom and my brother found their way to us also. And believe it or not, yes I got lost again the next day. Even though going to Disney World gave me the experience of living it for about 30 minutes alone, I had a great time.

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