Wednesday, November 16, 2011

143. Discuss how some negative experience (disability, illness, failure) has had a positive influence on your life.

I always loved any kinds of dancing. Dancing is, for me, something that you can show different kinds of attitudes, expressions and many kinds of emotions. I would say dancing is in my blood because my grandfather was an awesome dancer. So as I started to grow older, the more into dancing I got, but the worst part was that I was never a really good dancer, where my sister was and still is. When I reached ninth grade, I started having back problems, just like the kind my father has. My back really hurts badly when my back cracks, but yes, one thing it has done is made my back more flexible. As odd as it sounds, I soon started to dance better and better. The things my sister taught me before and I could not do it, I was finally able to. Although yes my back became more flexible, and I was able to dance better, there was one style I never learnt which I always wanted to learn, tango. Even though I know the basics, I want to learn more. Other than that, at home, when there is nothing to do and music is blasting, I try to perfect the moves I could never do before. Yes, as lifeless as I may sound, I enjoyed it because I was able to do something I loved to do, finally. Yes when my back starts to hurt, there are times, usually at home, I am not able to move, if I pick up anything heavy, I feel pain shooting up my spine. Other times, it is just that I am not able to at the normal pace I usually do. Even though my back restrains me from many things, I am glad I have it because I am able to do the thing I love most, dance.

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