Monday, November 21, 2011

What confuses you in life?

There are many things in life that confuses me. People around me confuse me sometimes. I wonder what is going through their heads, but I just cannot understand them, it is hard. When time is going extremely slow when I want it go fast, like in the boring classes, but it goes fast in times of fun. I know that it is still the same amount of time, sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour etc. but still, why is does it feel like the time varies from experience to experience. Sometimes it is hard to understand what is happening where you are at the moment. It confuses me the most, when someone tries to explain a situation, not explaining it properly so that what was meant to be, is not in my head anymore. It confuses me is when people say I’d rather have you say things on my face than behind my back. That part is not confusing, but it is confusing when people get angry when we tell them what is in our minds about them. It confuses me to think about things that make no sense to make and try to make sense out of it. My head starts to think with too much information at one time. It confuses me how people expect me to take in a whole bunch of information all at once just because someone else could. My left and right confuse me in matter of speed. Yes, something that easy confuses me, but hey, no one is perfect. It hurts my head to think about how friends can go ahead and befriend you, then after using you, they leave you. Then I guess what confuses me the most is life. A life that is not perfect and never will be.

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