Monday, November 21, 2011

44.Jogging has become extremely popular. Explain why you jog or why you don't.

Many people have been jogging anywhere possible. Going around Delhi also you can see that there are people jogging at many different types. Yes, in the beginning of the year, I went to the gym for P.E hours and did jog on the treadmill. Although I used to go there, know I think that there is no reason for me to jog on the tread mill, or anywhere in school. The reason I believe this is because I realize that we most probably run at least one kilometer every day. We walk up to school, giving us the exercise in the morning, and also right after that, from Monday to Friday, we still walk up to the high school building and/or the gym. But on Thursdays, we walk to the Crider’s house for breakfast and back. Not only the morning, we at run to our classes if we are getting, and if not run, at least walk a little fast. After that, still are in class, but when it is lunch, many people run down to lunch, but for me, I either run to choir in the Media Center, or down to the quad. And mind you, it is not an easy job to do because you are running into people like there is no tomorrow. After orchestra or choir, you run to the lunch line trying to beat whoever had band, or music practice. After lunch, you walk up to the high school building, and go to our next class when the bell rings. Again you are running down the hall ways trying to get to your class. After that, we enjoy after school for a little too long, and run or power walk down to dorms and up that killing ramp of Midlands. I guess we get enough exercise per day.

1 comment:

teacherman said...

It sounds like you run at least 5 km a day!