Monday, December 12, 2011

How can a person get along with an enemy

I believe that a person can get along with its enemy. Yes, it can be awfully hard, but I believe nothing is impossible. The key to get along with people is to have patience. Having patience is something that can get you far in life. There are many people who you will come across in life, and there are times where you will not be able to stand some of them. The best thing to do is have patience. Some may be surprised that patience will get you to have second thoughts about their enemy, positively of course, but there will be some people who will find their enemies more annoying than usual. There are times when people even forget why they hated who they hated if they have patience with the person they hate, leaving space for tolerance or maybe even friendship. Life goes along way with patience. It was once said, patience is virtue, and I believe it as many good things can come out of patience. An enemy can become friends, but then again, friends can also become strangers. A lot of things can affect a person’s relationship with someone else’s negatively, so there should be enough understanding that a person lives their life differently than others, and that a person should not always hold a grudge against someone because they are different. I understand for some time, but there will be a time when you will understand the difference, may be now, may be tomorrow, or even it may be a long time from now. Just be patience and you never know the outcome of your friendship in life.

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