Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What do you do on a rainy day?

One day, as it started to pour down, I was sitting in class, doing the usual, staring out of the window, not paying attention, and not even trying to understand what was happening in class. There are many things I do on a rainy day. Be it a school night or not, I love to watch movies, not just any movies, I love to watch either horror, as the thunder and lightning just may complement the movie, or I would love to snuggle in next to my teddy bear, and the big heart pillow that I have and watch a romantic movie. Yes, romantic movie during a rainy day can be emotional than if watched on normal days. If not that, I just like to sit down, relax with a nice, hot, cup of coffee. Although I love to do this, there are times when the depressed mood overwhelms the normal. Soon, I wouldn’t be surprised if I am just sitting down next to the window, with a blanket around me, keeping me warm, and just staring at the raindrops rolling down the window like it were a race. I start to think about things I usually do not think of. But then again, more people come into my room and we start talking. I like to enjoy rainy days, even though it is a reflection of depression, and like to take it in the most positive way possible. There is not much I do on a rainy day, but the things I do, get a smile on my face.

1 comment:

ofthewild said...

It is really good that you are able to utilize the rainy, depressing day as a fun day!! Because I personally believe that not studying is not always negative, because I think that a person always needs a break!