Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Words that Stung

Words that sting are the words that may not be the foulest words in the dictionary. Some words are there to make you better, and some, to put you down and make it hard for you to get up again. The words that sting are when people call you things you never meant to be, words that you received because of what someone else said to you. Yes there are times when people call people names and throw words at them when they don’t even mean it, just simply because of what their friends think. I did this once, and I realize that your friends judgement on someone is something will differ from yours, because you are two different people. Words that sting me the most are the words of a backstabber, and trust me it hurts. Although life goes on, you start to get used to these words, because of people judgements of you. Why judge someone when you don’t even know who they are inside? Why call them names which actually belong to you, or someone who actually deserves them? Why blabber out words which you know are going to hurt people? Yes, anger does get to you, but sometimes, it is best to take it out on an object, before you screw your friendship or any kind of relationship with someone. Calling someone a ‘B’ or a ‘MF’ may be hurtful, but there are words like ‘get lost’ or ‘I never want to see you again’ which can hurt you even more in the given occasions. So choose your words wisely, because you never know whom you are hurting, even if it a joke.

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