Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ten things you do when you procrastinate

There are many things I do when I do my favourite thing, procrastinate. One, I check Facebook. I open up my Facebook page, and never close it. I refresh it a million times even though the same thing pops up on my page, a notification again and again for Farmville or something. The second thing I do is go on 9gag, a site that will take your soul away, seriously. There are times when I would sit on my laptop, on 9gag, and waste my life on it. Then I realize that I should have worked on my work rather than been on this. Third thing I do is I read manga online. There are many kinds of manga that I like, and many of them I have already seen a lot of times and I never get bored of them, because they are very entertaining. Fourth thing I like to do is I just might sleep. It is great I tell you, because now, I most probably have caught up on my hours of sleep that I missed for the week or a few days. Fifth is that I just might, just might play basketball, if I am not too lazy to get out of my bed. Sixth, I would go talk to my friends, and laugh for the stupidest thing on earth. Seventh, I would get off of my bed and just randomly, go to the kitchen, check if there is cheese or milk, and go back to my room. Eighth, I would look for a pot and cook the most random thing on earth, with the weirdest combinations. Ninth, I would just sit on my bed and just look at the ceiling, and last but not least, just try to do my work, but end up doing the list above.

1 comment:

confused soul said...

I guess WS teenagers live in the same, if not similar, bubble. Surprisingly, all the points you mentioned can be observed in my life as well. (I'm sorry for sounding so cheesy fuzz)
Its weird how similar our life style is when it comes to procrastinating. lol