Sunday, January 22, 2012

1. Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point in history would you like to stop and why? (Swarthmore)

There are many times during my life when I wish I could go back and stop, many times when I want to stop time so I could live in the moment forever, but as we know, time never does stop, and so it is best to seize every moment as the perfect one. Although yes I say this, I would love to go back many years, the years when I was with my grandfather. I want to seize that moment with my grandfather again, as he showed me different dance moves, which I was never able to learn, those days when we argued about the smallest things (just for fun) and I would lose the argument hands down. I would love to go back in time to be with my grandfather again. I would want to go back in time when I would just sit on his lap and he would tell me stories; stories about life, his life, or about the most random thing on earth. There are times when I think about him all the time, but then realize that why didn't I spend more time with him? I guess people just come and go, and all happen for a reason. I would want to go back in to time when I could just run into his arms and see his smiling then laughing face he always had. I wish I could go back to the days when I would be making so much noise and he would call out to punish me, and the only "punishment" I got was him telling me to be quite or else I would not get my chocolate> i wish I could go back into those times when my grandfather was here, and I could call him up whenever and talk to him. yes, so this may not be the history in history books, but it is part of a beautiful history in my life.

1 comment:

Harshit said...

I guess childhood memories are the best. As we grow up life becomes more hectic. And with such an awesome grandfather, no wonder you wanna go back at that time. Being a child and having such a caring grandfather, life could not have been better. Way better than taking all these AP courses and SAT exams.