This picture is a great significance to me as it shows to me something many people might, or might not see, friendship. TO many, it might show how creepy some people will find It shows me that friendship come in many ways, even if it is really weird. It comes in different forms, in different times, and in different, well, faces. This picture explains that friendship doesn't always come from always looking at each other, you just got to know that person. This picture shows that without even looking at a friend, you know what he or she is up to. Life goes on, and there are only a few friends that know you inside out, and those are the friends to cherish, even if they are weird as hell. There are a few friends who will understand you for who you are, be it crazy, weird or even a little bit more hyper than others, as the picture portrays. There are only a few people in this world that will make your life something that someone else would not. There will be many up’s and down’s in the world, and someone like the owl in the back will make you mad, but in the end will end up to make your life easier, which you would not have realized or even thought of before. There will be times when a person will make you so mad, that you would want to kill him/her/it. Although this happens, it will be hard to give up someone who you know for so long to know what they are doing without looking at them. So what if yours and your friends relationship would be different, would be something that a person would not understand, as long as you know each other, and you will be able to live barely without killing each other, you have got nothing to worry about.
I like your imagination and creativity. I would have never related a funny owl face to something as precious as friendship. Maybe you could give specific examples. You could use your own friends, and tell one of the memorable experiences you have had with her or him.
True friends do come back no matter what misunderstandings or conflicts divide the relation. I've been through it and I know how important a true friend is. Your writing has a lot of things I can agree to.
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