Friday, October 21, 2011

Binge Drinking

Binge Drinking Affects Brain, Memory
Young Brains More Vulnerable Than Adults'
, Guide
Updated May 25, 2010

As the drinking rates have gone up, there are more and more young adults starting to drink. Due to this, they start damaging their brain with the increase of memory loss for later in life. Experimented and proved in the Duke University researchers, it is said that alcohol is more vulnerable to the toxins that effect the brain is an higher percentage than that of an adult. Rats, going around the maze which they knew very well were failing at completing the maze at their usual timings due to the alcohol that was given to the rats. Drinking once in a blue moon is alright, but this matter mainly applies to the heavy drinkers. Although these experiments were done on rats, researchers have implied this on the human brain.

In my opinion, this matter is very true. Many teenagers and adolescents drink without thinking about their health for their long term, or even short. Having memory losses can be a very hard on life in the future. Although yes, people drink because they are stressed, or even because they think it is cool, but they need to realize that drinking can harm their body in various ways. Alcohol, not only makes you loose you ability to remember things, but also it intoxicates the body in a high percentage, increasing gradually. The people who drink need to take into consideration about their future health as they are not being able to keep up with the society if they keep loosing their memories. Although this research talks about how the adolescents alcohol intake is worse than for adults, it does not mean that the adults should continue on drinking. There should be a limit for everything a person does, and drinking a lot will damage their life, in the present and for sure for the future.
a) "After a moderate dose of alcohol, the rat exposed to binge drinking during adolescense exhibited memory loss."
b) i) A short period devoted to indulging in an activity, especially drinking alcohol, to excess
ii) The word binge started to be used in 1854. Although now it mean a short period of indulging, in those times, the word binge referred to heavy drinking. It transformed to its present meaning as after heavy drinking, it meant to "to soak". Meaning all the people who drank, soaked the alcohol up, giving them the name drunk, then getting the period of self indulgences.
c) While the woodstock students enjoyed binge chocolate eating, they didn't realize that it has gotten them fat.

a) "After a moderate dose of alcohol, the rat exposed to binge drinking during adolescence exhibited memory loss."
b) i)The act of exposing or the condition of being exposed
ii) This word derived from the Americans who thought of something of someone misleading or something that was not right.
c) After swimming, I was exposed to the cold atmosphere which gave me goosbumps

a) "The implications of this study are that teenagers who drink heavily and often may be susceptible to the neurobehavioural effects of alcohol than would adults with similar drinking experiences,"
b)i) The conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated.
c) Going for sports day practice implicates that the house with the most practice will win.

1 comment:

teacherman said...

Make sure you connect each article to something specific you are studying.