Many people have been jogging anywhere possible. Going around Delhi also you can see that there are people jogging at many different types. Yes, in the beginning of the year, I went to the gym for P.E hours and did jog on the treadmill. Although I used to go there, know I think that there is no reason for me to jog on the tread mill, or anywhere in school. The reason I believe this is because I realize that we most probably run at least one kilometer every day. We walk up to school, giving us the exercise in the morning, and also right after that, from Monday to Friday, we still walk up to the high school building and/or the gym. But on Thursdays, we walk to the Crider’s house for breakfast and back. Not only the morning, we at run to our classes if we are getting, and if not run, at least walk a little fast. After that, still are in class, but when it is lunch, many people run down to lunch, but for me, I either run to choir in the Media Center, or down to the quad. And mind you, it is not an easy job to do because you are running into people like there is no tomorrow. After orchestra or choir, you run to the lunch line trying to beat whoever had band, or music practice. After lunch, you walk up to the high school building, and go to our next class when the bell rings. Again you are running down the hall ways trying to get to your class. After that, we enjoy after school for a little too long, and run or power walk down to dorms and up that killing ramp of Midlands. I guess we get enough exercise per day.
Monday, November 21, 2011
44.Jogging has become extremely popular. Explain why you jog or why you don't.
What confuses you in life?
There are many things in life that confuses me. People around me confuse me sometimes. I wonder what is going through their heads, but I just cannot understand them, it is hard. When time is going extremely slow when I want it go fast, like in the boring classes, but it goes fast in times of fun. I know that it is still the same amount of time, sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour etc. but still, why is does it feel like the time varies from experience to experience. Sometimes it is hard to understand what is happening where you are at the moment. It confuses me the most, when someone tries to explain a situation, not explaining it properly so that what was meant to be, is not in my head anymore. It confuses me is when people say I’d rather have you say things on my face than behind my back. That part is not confusing, but it is confusing when people get angry when we tell them what is in our minds about them. It confuses me to think about things that make no sense to make and try to make sense out of it. My head starts to think with too much information at one time. It confuses me how people expect me to take in a whole bunch of information all at once just because someone else could. My left and right confuse me in matter of speed. Yes, something that easy confuses me, but hey, no one is perfect. It hurts my head to think about how friends can go ahead and befriend you, then after using you, they leave you. Then I guess what confuses me the most is life. A life that is not perfect and never will be.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Talk about how a person can change his direction.
Changing directions is not that hard, it can mean just go left, right, back, or continue going forward, but it does matter when you are taking the right way, but have to go another way to reach your destination. A man, willing to change for the good of himself and the people around him will change. The will he has is something that guides him to change. The direction he takes depends on the amount he is willing to let go of his past to change his direction of his future. A person can change his direction by doing what he wants with the courage of his inside. If a person wants to become something different than he or she already is, it does take time, but it does not mean that it is impossible. Yes, for some it may be hard, like giving up drugs and take on a healthier lifestyle, or for some it may be easy, like giving up sports for academics. A person can change his direction in life if he really has the motivation to do so. Life will throw many things in a person’s life, but it is up to them how to challenge it. Changing directions in life is like giving up something you personally like, or even for some people personally loath. But there are many people in this world who change the direction of their life towards the negative side of life. There are people who like sadistic pleasure, like how enjoy with people’s disadvantages, and people incompetence. But even though, they changed their life to be like this for a reason, and there are some reasons that cannot be understood, but a person changes their life to make life better for themselves, even if it may be bad for others.
Describe a daily routine or tradition of yours that may seem ordinary to others but holds special meaning for you. Why is this practice significant to
Showering is a daily routine many people have, and many feel as though they have to shower. Same for me, every day, no matter what time it is in the day, I have to shower before going out. There are many people in this world how believe that showering every day is not a necessary thing, but for me, I feel extremely dirty if I don’t. I feel that it is a necessity to shower before going out, especially if you are meeting someone because if shows one of your true nature to someone. Yes, for me I am a messy person at dorms, but that does not mean I have to live a messy life. Although yes, I am messy, there are times where I just have to clean up, and when I do, I clean up everything there is to clean. There are times where I take cold showers at night because I feel dirty for no reason at all. Even at home, yes, being lazier at home, I take a shower around five o’clock, but I still do, because that is just who I am. When I was in middle school, and even beginning of ninth grade, I did not take showers every day. Anah, my sister, and her friend Jaza both took showers every day and I always asked them, why do you take showers every day, and they always replied, you will soon know. And now I know, for me, being a messy person is not exactly the same thing as being a dirty person. A messy person is someone who has clean clothes, but it is just that the clothes are stuffed into the cupboard. A dirty person is someone who would wear their clothes again and again without washing it. I have been told to take a shower every day since I was very small, I never understood why? But now I feel as though my day is going bad if I don’t take a shower every day.
Between living and dreaming there is a third thing, guess it.
Living and dreaming are two extremes of the world. One is reality; whereas the other is you want to happen. I believe, between living and dreaming, the third thing is desire. In a human’s life, there are many things that it desires. Living a life with what you have is fine because maybe the things you have enough to live through life. What you dream is also what you want in your life. Desire, however, is what every human has. Everyone in the world at has one thing they desire. Desire is something that a man/woman wants in life. There are many things that people want, but there are many things they can’t get. The things that are not affordable, they dream about having it, desire it. Desire comes from extremes, living and dreaming. We desire a lot of things in life, the stupidest things like clothes that are not in our budget range, new technological things, new cars, to the smallest but the one thing that keeps us going, friends. Many people desire food, like the people on the streets, many desire a home, a shelter to live in, and many people’s desire is to have a home. Many people desire the right to live freely, they desire happiness in the worst case scenario, but there are just some people who do not get it. So this desire turns into dreams, many dreams that are better left in the dream world; many dreams that are not achievable, many dreams that are just crushed. There are many people who dream about unrealistic things, like a prince charming and Cinderella story, but there are many out there, even if they are not entirely happy, dream about something to come into their life and change it for the better. It starts off with something small, a hope of achievement, hope for a miracle, but then into desire. Desire can build people up by giving them confidence to achieve something, but can also break them by crushing their hopes of getting what they want.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tell us about yourself
A sixteen year old girl just looking out in the distance with many things that makes up who she is. A girl who is follows the religion of Islam, but does not believe in it completely. A girl who loves to do what she pleases, what she love, and what she thinks is right. Although yes, there are times when she does think about her life, and thinks about the good parts and the bad. A girl who loves to have fun in life, when with friends, likes to forget about her worries, when having fun, likes to put all her problems at the back of her mind. A girl who loves to dance, dance in any way possible that it will reflect her emotions. A girl who loves to eat, eat and not care about what the world says. Eat so that she enjoys every flavor of life, but also who loves to eat Italian. A girl, who likes to play basketball, would love to get better at it. A girl who loves to annoy people, but also knows, hopefully, the limits of annoying. She is someone who loves her family so much that she is willing to do anything for them. This someone likes to follow rules and regulations. But also there are times where she does not follow the system. This girl is a girl who is like no other, as she has a mind of her own. She is a girl who doesn’t like to be bossed around for something that is supposed to be fun. She is a girl who loves to cherish moments that will never come again, cherish friendships which will never be replaced, cherish life as she will not get another one. This girl is has the same qualities as me, because this girl is me.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
143. Discuss how some negative experience (disability, illness, failure) has had a positive influence on your life.
I always loved any kinds of dancing. Dancing is, for me, something that you can show different kinds of attitudes, expressions and many kinds of emotions. I would say dancing is in my blood because my grandfather was an awesome dancer. So as I started to grow older, the more into dancing I got, but the worst part was that I was never a really good dancer, where my sister was and still is. When I reached ninth grade, I started having back problems, just like the kind my father has. My back really hurts badly when my back cracks, but yes, one thing it has done is made my back more flexible. As odd as it sounds, I soon started to dance better and better. The things my sister taught me before and I could not do it, I was finally able to. Although yes my back became more flexible, and I was able to dance better, there was one style I never learnt which I always wanted to learn, tango. Even though I know the basics, I want to learn more. Other than that, at home, when there is nothing to do and music is blasting, I try to perfect the moves I could never do before. Yes, as lifeless as I may sound, I enjoyed it because I was able to do something I loved to do, finally. Yes when my back starts to hurt, there are times, usually at home, I am not able to move, if I pick up anything heavy, I feel pain shooting up my spine. Other times, it is just that I am not able to at the normal pace I usually do. Even though my back restrains me from many things, I am glad I have it because I am able to do the thing I love most, dance.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Tell about the most unforgettable experience you’ve ever had.
Many most unforgettable experiences that people have something to do with near death. Although those are more interesting to read about, mine is more about getting lost in, for me at the time, the biggest place in the world, Disney World. I went to Disney World when I was in second grade, so when I was seven years old. Being seven, I was really scared to be anywhere without my parents, even if I was with my brother or my sister. So being there for a few days already, I had become a little familiar with the place. One fine day, we decided to go on the water river tube ride. Having to get your own circular tubes, my brother and my sister got one for themselves and I was left. Soon enough I found one for myself and started to go down the ride. The ride was like a river, and I did not know that I had to meet my parents at the end of the ride. So as I continued, I couldn’t see my brother or my sister any longer. Being seven, I got scared, so I decided to get off and look for my parents. Yes, it was not a smart decision, but hey, I was scared. Soon I realized that I was lost, and luckily for me, a security person found me. She took me to the shelter, and gave me strawberry milkshake, (yes, I remember that too). She asked for my parents’ name, and knowing only my mother’s I gave her my mothers. A few minutes later, I see my father and Anah, my sister running down towards me. I was glad I was back with my family as my mom and my brother found their way to us also. And believe it or not, yes I got lost again the next day. Even though going to Disney World gave me the experience of living it for about 30 minutes alone, I had a great time.
Monday, November 14, 2011
How were you caught, or not?
One fine evening, there were many things going on after school. But as dinner came, so did the A.P European History extra credit movie. Although there was the movie going on, there was also extended study hall, and also Brigadoon musical practice. As things started to wrap up and everyone started to get ready to go down to dorms, some of my friends and I realized that we have dance practice, mind you we knew we had it, but just forgot it for a second. As we were getting ready, the Brigadoon practice was still not over, and one of our dancers was in the play. It was already nine o’clock, and we had to be back to dorms by 9:30 latest. We started to walk down, but then the short way door was locked. So then walking back up, we had to go long way, and going long sure does take a long time. As we started to walk down, I started to pick up my pace and my friends were pretty behind. Walking down as fast as possible, but even so, it was not enough. Then I realized I had to wait for my friend to come down too, so I waited at the splitting of the way to Ridgewood field and Hostel. When they arrived, we made our way to Hostel. Although we were there, we were still one member short. Even so we started practicing. As we kept practicing, the time was now 9:20, and then the last member arrived. We had 10 minutes and we thought we would be done. So we were practicing hard. We kept practicing, and time was flying. Soon it was 10 o’clock. We were dead. Our dorm parents were going to be so angry. So anyways, we left Hostel, and reached Midlands. We then thought that we should go in from the door dorm parents go in from, and luck on our side it was open. As soon as we opened the door, Ms. Maya, the 10th grade dorm parent walked down the stairs. We dashed around the corner and tried again. Thankfully no one was there. So making our way up to the third floor, we had to be really careful because our dorm parent apartments were right there. Every time we turned around going up, we acted like ninja’s, sneaking in and walking as quietly we could. Reaching the top floor, we had a clear view of what was going on and the office. Thankfully there was no one there and we rushed into our rooms and were safe, being the last time that ever happened.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
What outrages me?
As the day starts, I understand I have to wake up to go to school. But on weekends, obviously, you don’t. What outrages me is when people shout damn loud in the morning, I’m like, seriously what the hell is wrong with you people, there are people still sleeping. Ok yes, I understand if you have to call somebody, but you can just go to their room, or go look for them, do not wake up the whole dorm. When the first bell rings for the next class, I hate it when people start talking in the middle of the corridor, I mean really, just get to the side and talk or talk later, others still have to get to their classes. Another thing that really bugs me is that when I am alone, just thinking to myself, people come up and keep asking is everything okay. I mean, I said it once that I am okay, if I wanted to tell you what I was thinking about, I would tell you the first time you asked. You kind of just put my mood off even more than it already was. Connecting to that, it is like if people don’t want to tell you something, just buzz off, not that hard to do. When being with a group of friends, I like to be WITH my friends, not some random person who none of us like. It’s like take the hint that no one wants you. What’s worse when the people get the hint and still do not leave, this confuses me also. The other thing that makes me mad is during lunch time, as soon as the bell goes, the ramp is full of people, for obvious reasons, and everyone walks really slow. Just because you have lunch does not mean that others do, we actually do get into trouble if we don’t come to orchestra on time, just saying. Well this is all that came to my mind, sorry to be a hater.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Describe how a piece of art, a work of literature, or a dramatic presentation has had a significant impact on your intellectual development and your a

This piece of art was not drawn by anyone famous, instead a student, a person who does express herself, sometimes, by painting, drawing, or even doodling. This piece of art work, I have seen it been drawn, planned, and even made fun of the person who drew it. When the artist was painting this, I asked her, why you were drawing something so different to what you usually draw, she said that this is what is on my mind from the moment we got the assignment. This painting really has a significant impact on my life because this shows how many people may view this world to be, especially religious people. What I get from this painting is that even though we may not have many things important in our lives and many bad things, there will always be there to protect us from the bad. We may see it, or not, but there is someone out there who doesn’t want your smile to be turned upside down. There is nothing bad in showing your emotions, but whenever I see this picture, I don’t know why, but a smile always comes on my face. This painting makes me believe that no matter how bad my situation is in school, or life, or anywhere, I can always turn to someone who will help me. Even though outside there might be a war going on, we just need to believe in the inner beauty. I do have a personal relationship with the artist, but there is sometimes where I do want to kill her. Even so, I believe that she will always be there for me and me for her. This piece of art reminds me of her and only her; because if she wasn’t in my life and if she didn’t tell me why she made this painting (which she did) I would still be in the world of people being not being understanding and helpful.
Friday, November 11, 2011
6. If you were to look back on your high school years, what advice would you give to someone beginning their high school career? (Simmons)
There are many advices that I would give a person starting their high school years. The first would be shit happens. The four years of high school will be tough, socially and academically. Studies get harder going into higher classes, obviously, but that doesn’t mean that you start to give up. Socially, there will be problems, there will be times where your friends will become distant, and new friends will come along, there will be time when you stop talking to some of your friends. The next advice would be, no matter what, with your problems and difficulties enjoy it because, yes life is too short to go not do things you wanted to. Even though high school my put you down in every sense possible, doesn’t mean you give up on life. Things will come and go, so live is like you have never lived before. Also, even though there might be some restrictions, don’t be upset, because those restrictions will put you in the right path to life, but yes, breaking some can be fun once in a blue moon. Also remember that the earth does not revolve around you. Understand and help people who are in worse conditions than yours. If you have nothing wrong at the moment, help out someone who does, you will make a greater impact than you think. Understand that not everyone is like you, so you should be open to everyone’s ideas. You should be yourself during high school. Trying to impresses people in high school would just be wasting your time because no one cares. The only ones who do are people who do not have a life, and don’t have anything else to do. Life in high school is very simple if you be a little serious, but don’t forget to have fun along with it.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
1.Name one book you have read in the past year, describe your reason for considering this book significant and what you gained from it.
I admit, I am not a person who reads a lot. There are some books I read from my own choice, and some, well, because of the school curriculum. This year, I have read a few books, in which one of them was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Yes, this book was a book in the curriculum to read in English, but it was indeed an awesome book. Although I have to admit that it was a little bit slow for me in the beginning, but as the book progressed, I started to enjoy it. The reason why I mentioned this book was because it used reverse psychology to show the time back in the United States. It showed me how the "system" is a big part of the universe, and all of us, even if we are the most insignificant people in life. The higher ups can use even the most innocents of innocent people to achieve what they want. One main thing I gained from reading this book is that no matter how hard we try, we will defeat the system, but eventually we come back to our original status. I realized that no matter how much you try, you will, in the long run, fail. This is not only portrayed in this book, but throughout history also. This book actually does give you many life lessons. This book gives me an image of how, even if we have a very high chance of failing at our task, we should do it because we do not know how it will end up. I think this because even if we beat the higher ranked people even for some time, our lives do get better, even if it is just for a while. Life is not perfect so might as well make it a little bit better.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
21.If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not? Explain. (Middle East Technical Un
The ability of reading minds and able to communicate telepathically has been something that I always wanted to do. Although it may be a little different from what many people wished to have as a 'power,' but I always did. Reading people's minds would be a lot of fun, especially the people you love to make fun of or if done with the right kind of people. Reading minds can be fun, but I would personally hate it if someone read my mind. So, yes, mind reading can be a way to invade people’s privacy. Privacy is something that everyone wants, even from someone really close to them. So if I had the power to read minds, I would not read the other person’s mind. Even if I did when I shouldn’t have, I would feel extremely bad. So I guess, I would just read someone’s mind when it’s absolutely necessary. Telepathy would be a lot of fun to have. Talking to someone without people realizing is art. Art in the sense you are stealthy enough to succeed in your motives. So with telepathy, even though it’s no more artistic, there is a better way of communication between two people, and a better chance of them not to get caught. Yes telepathy and mind reading can be fun, but there are times you will come to know things you don’t want to. So I guess for me, yes, I would use it, but I guess, only for the times that I need to. I would understand if someone doesn’t want to tell me something, I would not intrude their mind and disrespect their privacy. I guess having this ability would not be that great, but anyways, I would use it a lot when I’m having fun with friends, when we are doing something mischievous, or even when we are completely crazy.
Monday, November 7, 2011
135, Find X (U of Chicago)
What is X? X can be defined as many different things. X can be this person whom you are willing to do anything for, this person whom you are willing to give up anything, this person whom you are willing to give up your freedom for. X can be the spot where you are supposed to find the hidden treasure, the spot where you are supposed to meet the love of your life, or the spot where booby traps are laid out to get you. X can be you though on life, your though on love, or your though on hate. X can be your argument for something or against it, depending on what you support. X can never be defined as a fixed object or a number or anything for that matter because you can find out many possibilities for X. Sometimes trying to figure out something, or even trying to tell someone something, it could be X. Life goes on, so do the possibility of finding X increases. There is more and more choices to figure out what X is. Going around, asking people, you will get many different answers, and many similar answers. X can be many things if you allow your mind to be free and explore your imaginations. Letting your imaginations run wild, you will come across many possible answers for X. but is it still enough; is it enough to say that x is what we make it to be. Sometimes it just might not be. Mathematics for example, for a certain question, there might be two x’s, but there is only one option that will work. Thinking about it, you will come up with many answers for X, but how can you be sure that the x you are talking about is the X indeed?
Sunday, November 6, 2011
1.French novelist Anatole France wrote: "An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's b
I do not know many things in life. Although having lived 16 years of my life, how do we expect to know everything possible? 16 out of millions and millions of years is like a speck of dust in a large room. The more I study, the more I realize that there are so many things in the world that are unknown to me. The more I go around the world, the more I realize that there are so many things I do not know about the country, or the city. Studying in a boarding school, I sure do not know (anymore) hot it is like to be in a days’ school. I do not know how it would be like to be in a college (yet). I do not know what is it that is out there; are there aliens or not? I believe in God, but how can I be sure there is one? Never have I felt a presence, so how am I to know in what I believe in truly exists. I do not know when I am going to die, when I am going to get into an accident or anything for the matter. Even if I study, whatever I study, I still do not know how it has come to be to what it is. I learn something, but that is never enough, as there is always something deeper. There is an infinite amount of knowledge, some already discovered, and some still yet to be. Questions on lots of things do come and a lot of them are still left unanswered. Although we may think we know a lot of things, we do not actually know anything about the place we live in, the life we live or anything for that matter. One thing is for sure, I don’t know the future.
120. Tell about the most unforgettable experience you've ever had.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Are we alone?
This question goes around to many people and many people have different answer. Yes, in a way I would say that we are alone. I believe that in a way we are alone because there is nothing in the universe out to get me or anyone for that matter. I believe that we are alone, because in one point in life there is going to be a time where we have to do things ourselves, with no help from parents or anyone around us. Even though we might stand in the most crowed place on earth, we can feel alone as there is no one we know. Although these things might make it seem as though we are alone, but if thinking deeper, there is not one moment that we are alone. One reason we have friends is because it cures our loneliness. They help us get through our times of struggles, the times when we have no one by our side, and the times when we desperately are finding someone to cry on; not only friends, but families also. Being with families and friends might hurt sometimes because they might not understand your feelings, but it wouldn’t hurt to tell them. I’ve been told that letting out your problems to someone will help you feel better no matter what. Life does, and will have rough patches, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. There are people there to bear with you, to understand your problems, and help you out. Life is not always about trying to figure out your problems by yourself. The reason why God made Eve was because Adam was alone, but now with each other’s company, the feeling of loneliness went. Being alone in life can be a problem, but if you are with the right people, especially at the right time, it will make your life less lonely and more fun.
Friday, November 4, 2011
What is your approach to life? Reveal your life philosophy
What is life? Life is something that people value, and some who don't. Life is time. It is time as you have only a limited amount. Life is a mystery. It is a mystery as you don’t know what is going to come. Even though you lived a part of your life and you may regret what you did and what you didn’t, it still is part of your life. Living your life in regrets doesn’t get you far in life as it puts restrictions on the things you want to do. There are many people who will give you advices throughout your whole life, there are many people who will influence you in their unique way and there are many people who are just there to mess your life up. Even though there these kinds of people, they are the ones who make your life exciting. Be it bad or good, your life is nothing without them. Life is full of ups and downs, but then again, there are people there with you to help you get past them. If you messed up on your past, don’t fret, because the past is past as it hardly matter, you got to focus to work on a better future, to make it better than your past will be. Your life will not only have positive things even though you think it might. As life goes on, there are many phases everyone passes through. There is depression, happiness, sadness, anger and many more. But these are what keep your life interesting. I believe that even if we mad at someone or something, it will keep you off of other things what are hurting you in life. There are many things in life that will affect you, because remember, even the smallest thing can take up the most space in your heart.